Moncage, an intriguing adventure puzzle game crafted by Optillusion, draws you into a world that lives within an enigmatic cube. Each face of the cube houses a distinct world, ranging from an old factory or a luminous tower, to an amusement park or a serene church.
Though these scenes may initially appear random and disjointed, a closer look reveals the mesmerizing interconnections between these unusual worlds. You're submerged into an immersive experience that constantly surprises and challenges you.
- Engage in brain-teasing optical illusion puzzles that require more than just skill, but a good dash of imagination. Discover the intertwined relationships between the different sides of the cube and enjoy the enchanting effects that unfold.
- Unravel a hidden narrative dotted with unexpected twists and turns as you solve puzzles. Collect photos from hidden corners of the cube one by one to gradually reveal the mysterious storyline that underpins the game.
- Enjoy a host of thoughtful hints and guidance systems to help you when you're stuck. Activate the 'Focus' feature to highlight key puzzle elements, refer to textual hints for further clarity, or watch a video walkthrough as a last resort.
- Show off your puzzle-solving prowess by earning one of the 15 Medals, each exquisitely designed. Collecting all 15 Medals is a testament to your skill and adds an appealing ‘Achiever’ flair to your gaming profile.
- Stay updated with game news and connect with the game's community via Twitter or Email to get the latest news and updates. Or join the vibrant Discord channel if you want to reach out for some help or share your game-winning strategies.