Category:: Action
Prepare for the thrill of your lifetime! Space Survivor, a dire survival game that's sure to keep you on the edge, lures you into the immense darkness of space. The silence is deadening, growing louder with each passing moment as it engulfs your spaceship. Indeed, you're not alone in the ship. Monstrous forces incognito lie in the dark waiting to pounce. Your spaceship, once on a noble exploration mission, is now under siege by a swarm of terrifying creatures out for your destruction.
Your survival depends on your wits! You need to find a safe place, barricade it and brace for the onslaught of the weird, ghastly beings. Gear up as the monsters are out to get you. Your survival depends on your firepower. Thus, your mission morphs into a duel at the midnight hour. Will you withstand the attack or crumble under the monstrous invasion? Time will tell.